Sunday, July 25, 2010

Promoting scientific ignorance in the guise of learning

Science as a way of knowing has been extremely successful, although people may not like all the changes science and its handmaiden, technology, have wrought. But people who oppose evolution, and seek to have creationism or intelligent design included in science curricula, seek to dismiss and change the most successful way of knowing ever discovered. They wish to substitute opinion and belief for evidence and testing. The proponents of creationism/intelligent design promote scientific ignorance in the guise of learning. As professional scientists and educators, we strongly assert that such efforts are both misguided and flawed, presenting an incorrect view of science, its understandings, and its processes.
From the Botanical Society of America's statement on evolution
July 27, 2003

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Hindsight is 20/20

Down goes Saddam   October 10, 2006 Andy ____________, COL, USMC (Ret.) One postage stamp away, USA   Dear Andy;                            ...